The abstract data type Union-Find

The ADT Union-Find (also known as "Disjoint Sets" and "Dynamic Equivalence Relation") keeps track of a partition of a set of elements (which may grow with time) into pairwise disjoint and nonempty equivalence classes (which may change through a merger of two classes into one from time to time); it is specified by The data type uf_object is provided by the ADT user; the data type uf_name is chosen by the designer of the data structure that implements the ADT. In implementing Union-Find, we will assume that the data type uf_object is a structure and that the ADT designer may choose to include additional elements in this structure.

Implementing Union-Find as disjoint in-trees

In this implementation, each structure of type uf_object includes an element parent that points to a uf_object; each equivalence class is a tree and its "name" is a pointer to the root of the tree. The roots point to themselves (which is just a convention; they could as well point to NULL).
uf_name uf_find(uf_object *object)
  uf_object *root;

  for(root=object; root->parent!=root; root=root->parent);

  return root;

void uf_make_set(uf_object *new_object)

void uf_union(uf_name class1, uf_name class2)

Implementing Union-Find as disjoint in-trees with collapsing find and union by rank

A remarkably efficient implementation of Union-Find uses disjoint in-trees with two simple enhancements, which are designed to keep the trees shallow. The first of them is collapsing find: after we have found the root of the tree that holds *object, we retrace the path from *object to *root once more and suspend all of its nodes directly (rather than indirectly) below *root:
uf_name uf_find(uf_object *object)
  uf_object *root, *next;

  for(root=object; root->parent!=root; root=root->parent);
  for(next=object->parent; next!=root; object=next, next=object->parent)

  return root;
The other enhancement is an informed choice of the new root in uf_union: ideally, we would like the new root to come from the deeper of the two trees. Unfortunately, keeping track of the depth (which may change with each collapsing find) could be an expensive proposition; fortunately, the choices suggested by depth are well approximated by choices based on the notion of rank that is defined as follows. Initially, each of the one-point equivalence classes has rank 0; when two roots of an equal rank compete (fair fight) for the distinction of becoming the root of the union, the winner is chosen arbitrarily and its rank is then incremented by one; when two roots of unequal rank compete (unfair fight) for the distinction of becoming the root of the union, the root of the higher rank wins. (A summary: your rank is the number of fair fights that you have won.) This enhancement requires maintaing rank as an extra element in the structure uf_object.
void uf_make_set(uf_object *new_object)
  new_object->parent=new_object, new_object->rank=0;

void uf_union(uf_name class1, uf_name class2)
  if(class1->rank < class2->rank)

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